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Old 02-08-2015, 07:48 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
Posts: 4,777
sphelps is on a distinguished road

Updated list, a couple items back up for sale.

1. Green Mushrooms - $5
2. Medium Duncan Coral - SOLD
3. Large Green Pocillopora - $50
4. Small Red and Green Lobo - PENDING
5. Small Echinata - $20
6. Small Blue-Teal Chalice - $30
7. Large Fiji Yellow Leather - PENDING
8. Medium Blue Favia - $30
9. Small Orange Lobo - PENDING
10. Large Florescent Green/Yellow Favia - $50
11. Large Green & Red Favia - $50
12. Pink Palys - $20
13. Med Orange and Green Lobo - $60
14. Small Fungia type coral - PENDING
15. Medium Alien Eye Chalice - $50
16. Large Mummy Eye Chalice - $70
17. Large Ocoto Bubble Coral - $60
18. Med Closed Brain - $40
19. Large Pink Hammer - $80
20. Blue Hornet or similar zoos - $20
21. Bullseye Mushrooms Pair - PENDING
22. X-Large Green Favia - $80
23. X-Large Squamosa Clam - $150
24. X-Large Squamosa Clam - $150
25. Large Purple Chalice - $80
26. Large Purple & Green Closed Brain - $80
27. X-Large LPS - $80
28. Large Bonsai SPS - SOLD
29. Med Bubble Coral - $40
30. Med Purple/Green Trumpet - $40
31. Maxi Anemone - $10 (more than one available)
32. Small SPS - SOLD
33. 3x SPS Frags - SOLD
34. Med Green SPS - $40
35. Red Flower Anemone - $40
36. Med Blue Brain Favia - $40
37. Med Purple/Green Favia - $40
38. Alien Eye Chalice Frag - $10
39. Red Planet SPS Frag - SOLD
40. Favia Frag - $10
41. Favia Frag - $10
42. Dragon Favia Frag - $20
43. Small War Coral Favia - $20
44. Red/Green Favia Frag - $10
45. Small Green Brain Favia - $20
46. Small Bonsia SPS - PENDING
47. Small Multicolor Stylo SPS - $25
48. Purple Gorgonian - PENDING
49. Coco Worm - $20
51. Small Green Favia - $20
52. Rose Bubble Tip Anemone - $40

Last edited by sphelps; 02-08-2015 at 07:52 PM.
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