Yeah I like it , it gives me all key metrics to when I am away from home to keep the tank alive
Temp - is it where it needs to be (yes - great / no - call the mrs or the tank sitter and ask them to check the heaters/chiller)
pH - is it stable (yes - great / no - call and ask mrs or tank sitter to check gyre is churning and returns are kicking, if pH is crazy ask tank sitter ... not mrs to check calc reactor isn't doing anything stupid
NH3 - is skimmer doing what it needs to (yes - great / no - great mrs needs to clean it )
NH4 - is mrs / tank sitter feeding too heavy - if yes tell them off on the phone
O2 - it is what it is... if its depleting off track is there something going on with tank like a algae bloom? get a visual check via webcam or facetime
Lux/Par/Kel - are lights on or off when they should be (are corals getting light?) if no get someone to check. Also as you rightly spotted I don't need this to be a super accurate par meter I just need to understand the variance compared to the apogee (circa 10%) and when the reading start to drop , I need to get ordering tubes. Becomes a little less guess work and more controlled.
Must say all in all I am impressed with what seneye offer. I know some people want more tests, and no need for a pc interface. I do think these things will come as I have emailed seneye regards what developments are in pipeline.
All of the above at a pretty cheap price, and its not trying to run my system for me like most aquarium computer type devices. I think marine tanks are too tactile to try to run on fully auto via computers. This is a great price point to monitor the things that will keep my stock alive and healthy when I am not around to do it, or need to do a quick remote health check.
I will take some screenshots of the web interface it shows historic data and more importantly the trend in readings over a few days.