Originally Posted by jason604
Damn work schedule changed n I have work till 9pm that day. What time did the frag meet end last time.
Jason. It lasted till about 7pm and we wrapped things up and headed home around 8. It really depends on the crowd and the night. Your welcome to text me and see what we are doing throughout the day. I'll try to keep this thread updated.
Originally Posted by RMC
Ok, you guys are timing the swamps to keep me away.
The last one, Nov. 10, the official due date of my 2nd child. Somehow I managed to make it. She ended up being 2 days late and I have a VERY understanding wife.
Now this one you set up on my the 3rd birthday of my oldest daughter. Not sure if I'm going to be able to swing this one!! And I wanted to start stocking up for my new build. 
Haha just your luck eh? Maybe if you dropped by you'll be lucky and win some of the prizes we are giving away
Swing by if you get some time after the birthday party!