On Tuesday we picked up a RSM 130 from a fellow reefer in Coquitlam. It didn't fit into our car (oops!) and he ended up delivering it over to us. (Yay for kind reefers!) We had originally planned to use it as a temporary home to our current livestock but after setting it up and seeing how nice it was, we've decided to keep it as a secondary tank to house 'aggro' fish that would not be safe to keep in the main tank. (Possible candidates atm: small eel, puffer, baby box fish, another mantis...any suggestions?)
On Wednesday we tore down our current tank and moved everyone over to the RSM. It went relatively smooth but still took the two of us about 5 hours to get it done. There were a few moments when I was accessing the state of our living room: endless buckets of water, equipment strewn all over the floor, a pungent smell of wetdog - I questioned whether it was really worth all this trouble. It is
Currently everyone seems to be adjusting to th RSM well...it is a little bit of a tight fit but only for a month, then they'll move into a much more spacious penny tank

Curiously I've developed a rash on the back of my hands..I think it is from handling our 10" sebae anem...she was stinging me like mad when I was coaxing her out. Anyone experienced this before?