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Old 02-07-2015, 06:46 PM
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Samw Samw is offline
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Similar story with me. For many years I had no major issues. But often, after introduction of a new fish, the entire tank gets ick for weeks but they seem to build an immunity and fight it off and I won't see it again. I used to be one of those guys who thought I could never lose a fish from disease because for many years, I've seen sick fish in my tank (from new additions) and they always recovered from it.

However, many years later, something worse would get introduced and I would lose a few delicate fish while the rest eventually built immunity and the tank would be fine again. This happened a few more times. But each time, it was only a few fish that could not fight it off and everything else was fine again. So I still didn't feel a need to quarantine.

But then my luck ran out and one time after the introduction of a new fish, it wiped out the whole tank. Looked like Velvet to me.

Now, starting with my latest addition (yes, this is a new process for me), I am being more vigilant and will fresh water dip and quarantine new fish before putting it into the display tank.

Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital View Post
I did this for years, then one day I did what i always did, in 3 days complete tank wipe out and 6 week fallow.

Never ever again.

I guess you dice with the dark side one day you will get burnt. I did, and I know when I mentioned this on RC the thread was full of same stories. I just dont take risks like that now

Last edited by Samw; 02-07-2015 at 06:58 PM.
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