Originally Posted by Pike
I understand what you mean. But the prodibio is not that expensive. Replacing the sand would be much more expensive and more work.
I'm going to have to disagree with you here on both counts. Prodibio IS expensive because it's recurring, open-ended cost that might not necessarily fix the problem. Not to say that removing an old sandbed fixes a problem, but it IS free, or damn near free, to do.
Work-wise, like anything, it's easy if you know what you're doing. I helped another board member pull out 1/3rd of the sandbed from his 60 gallon cube the other day. Took max 7 minutes. No mess in the tank, no cloudy water, like nothing happened. 1" diameter hose, some buckets and a helping hand is all you need.
Originally Posted by Pike
And you signed up for an expensive hobby as much as you signed up for a large bioload..
I don't follow the line of reasoning here given that signing up for an expensive hobby and large bioload do not need to be mutually bound to signing up for doing more work than you have to.
Originally Posted by Pike
And as for your wife well ..you need to give her something else to play with my man 
"Honey! I just got home for the Love Shoppe with something for you. It's a deluxe model, should keep you happy for years. Now run along while I go spend $$$ on my fish tank." Not sure if that's how the world works. Can we get a chime from either some contemptuous wives or men who have to deal with contemptuous wives? lol... ♥