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Old 02-07-2015, 06:33 PM
Pike Pike is offline
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Posts: 53
Pike is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Okay, now let's pretend your RODI stuff is in good shape and you don't want to spend/afford the $$$ on dosing stuff.

Or how about you're doing everything right but your tank is 3 years old+ and you still have these issues.

Or what if you have a really large bioload because that's what you signed up for when you started this hobby.

Or what if your wife really, really likes to feed the fish and it's conditional to the tank taking up 6' x 2' + worth of the living space in your house.

Or what if this and that and whatever with rice?

Anyway, my point is that I've helped a ton of people overcome these sorts of issues and it all begins with removing old/dirty sand and running for at least a few months BB. You can add after you've overcome your problems if it just sets your soul into eternal torment. Or you can just cover the bottom with corals. Or you can just live with it because a clean tank > a dirty tank.
I understand what you mean. But the prodibio is not that expensive. Replacing the sand would be much more expensive and more work.And you signed up for an expensive hobby as much as you signed up for a large bioload.. And as for your wife well need to give her something else to play with my man
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