Thread: Cyclop-ezze
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Old 10-12-2004, 04:59 AM
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mr_alberta mr_alberta is offline
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I personally use the freeze dried stuff that comes in the cans. I feed very little (a little goes a long way!). I usually mix it with the Mysis I feed (when I remember to that is).

Everything in my tank seems to go nuts for it. The fish, the crabs, the featherdusters, all go nuts.

My EuroReef goes nuts after feeding the stuff. I have to shut it off for a few hours after feeding it or else the collection cup just fills with water. Also, the cyclopseeze just doesn't sink. I have to premix it with water, then suck it in a turkey baster and squirt it half way down in the tank. If not, it just floats on the surface and gets sucked into the overflow.
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