We went bare bottom for several months when we set up a 210g and HATED it. Eventually both my wife and I agreed that having a sand bed was the only way we would enjoy that setup. It was the only time we experimented with BB. Have been doing sandbeds in my tanks for the last 12 years and loving it.
Sorry Albert. Its not as simple, IME, as just No sand = No algae. Algae issues are generally from several different causes, as others like Daniel have mentioned: a lack of maintenance, overfeeding, too many fish, old light bulbs, no tangs, etc.
Yes, if one has an algae issue, removing sandbed is probably a good idea based on your experiences and observations.
But as Daniel and others have also proven, sand beds do not automatically = algae issues in one's tank.
Besides, I love my leopard wrasse collection far too much to deprive them of their sand.