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Old 02-07-2015, 12:13 PM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 3,272
Aqua-Digital is on a distinguished road

some great feedback we got on facebook from our retailers clients. Initial thoughts are always great

"Hmm I love my Apex but I definitely doesn't measure all that! Would be super handy for cycling"

"The Seneye comes with an accurate state of the art UNDERWATER light meter also, built IN! Not only does it measure PAR but also PUR (the measurement of usable growth light), but also LUX. ALL for $159!!!!! WOW"

"ya that is pretty cool, it is on my wish list as well"

"On my wish list!"

"Following along want to see exactly what this can do"

"Nice that it reads O2 also. Didn't know that it did that also"

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