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Old 02-05-2015, 01:30 PM
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jon.smolders jon.smolders is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Fort St. John, BC
Posts: 64
jon.smolders is on a distinguished road

I'm glad the UV worked out for you!

I ran a 1 micron sediment filter (the kind you usually put in an RO filter) on a powerhead for a week. I also built a DIY in tank canister filter that attaches to a power head as well and ran filter floss and half a cup of carbon (still currently running). Ran the skimmer as wet as it would go. Also ran a filter sock on the sump. Increased my flow through my sump for more aeration, and to allow the skimmer to possibly process more tank water. Did a three day blackout with no lights.

No change. Still has that hazy look to it.

Fish seem fine. All the other coral frags I have seem to be doing ok, but my blue xenia frag that is just about a month old has in the last couple days almost entirely disappeared. I moved it to another small 20g I set up with a power filter in a last ditch effort to save it.

I think the UV may be the way to go... I don't see any other options.
~ Jon

"Resolved, that I will live so as I shall wish I had done when I come to die."
(Jonathan Edwards, 1722)
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