Yep. I dose and check once or twice a month. Since there are enough research done by the experts sometimes you have to trust them. I've dosed and I like the colours I had when I dosed. To be its like taking vitamins, you don't see the immediate effects but it pays off in the long run. With that being said, just cause I do doesn't mean you have to or need to as each tank is different. If you like the results continue to do so. If not, stop and save your money.
ATI 48" 3x75W LED with 8x54W T5, 2xTunze 6105, 2 x Maxspect Gyre XF150, Bubble King Mini 200 ( soon to be replaced by a Bubble King SM 200), Eheim 1262, Via Aqua 300 watt Titanium heater, JBJ ATO, Apex Controller