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Old 02-02-2015, 06:48 PM
IanWR IanWR is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Martensville, Sk
Posts: 148
IanWR is on a distinguished road

Wow I just checked Alberta small claims limits, expecting it to be less than replacement. It was raised to 50k!!! Well, if the responsible parties have an assets, this maybe worth it to pursue. They may only award depreciated value, and who knows what that would be. Your tank cost x, it's y years old, therefor undamaged it's worth z. You claim damages, they'll say there were already some scratches, judge will split the diff, you'll win some percentage of z.

I wonder if a better route might be a claim through homeowners insurance, and let the insurance company go after them to recover their loss.
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