Here is how i have decided to skin my cat:
Display 184G

Sump 47G, 3/4 full w/live rock and equip - 20G
Total Volume - 204G best guess
Skimmer - Reef Octopus 225INT 8"
RODI - aquasafecanada 200gpd w/ 3g reserve and ATO
Return Pump - Reef Octopus hy-12500 2595gph w/3ft head
ZeoVit 3.0
2 Maxspect Gyre
Jebao RW-15
Jebao RW-20 (Not Used)
100lbs Pukani dry rock(cured by spraying with hot water, followed by 1 day freshwater soak in display, 100% water change, then cycled with live sand for 10 days - done with no issues)
few lbs live for sport