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Old 01-30-2015, 02:28 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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gregzz4 will become famous soon enough

I'm now dosing Alk and Ca every 2 hours each, and 1 hour apart. So Alk @ 6, Ca @ 7, Alk @ 8 etc.
This works well as dividing my previous dosing times by 12 comes up with round numbers for the new timer settings; each minute per day is 5 seconds of on time per cycle

Hopefully this will extend the life of my pumps by not heating them up running for up to 90 mins/day solid. But, on the other hand, it may kill them by having them turn on and off so much more ....

I've decided against breaking up my Mag dosing as I'm only running the timer for a total of 12 mins/day.

I'll be happy if this new stability shows some improvement in my corals.
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