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Old 01-29-2015, 09:21 PM
mikellini mikellini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Vernon BC
Posts: 223
mikellini is on a distinguished road

I'd just do a sediment filter and two carbon filters, should be good enough for your needs depending on source water quality. The extra sediment filters will do nothing unless you stagger micron sizes from high to low (night let you go longer between changes), but that would still end up costing you more. Sediment filters are cheap tho, but still I'd just run a single 1 micron filter on the front end and change it when your output drops significantly.

As for carbon filters, two I probably overkill but if you have the stages for it anyway it's just insurance. You can run 0.5 micron carbon blocks if you want but you would probably have to change them before the carbon is exhausted.
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