Water Filtration Method
Hi All!
I'm considering using an unorthodox water filtration method on my new tank (still in planning stages obviously). I have in the past used an RO/DI on my old 100 gallon tank. Even with a booster pump I wasn't impressed with the output (and wastewater factor).
I'm considering using 3 systems plumbed together that will be strictly 3 sediment filters, 3 carbon filters and 3 DI chambers. Therefore no RO membranes and no wastewater.
I understand that I'm going to get a lot of different opinions on this as there are a lot of different methods that are used (straight tap water, RO, etc.). I guess I'm looking to see if anyone else uses the method that I am suggesting.
It's worth noting that I'm in Calgary (as some of you may ask about the water quality based on geographical region).
New 280 gallon inwall in planning stages;details, details, details.