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Old 01-28-2015, 09:37 PM
jason604 jason604 is offline
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic View Post
Cut off the affected branches/heads and have those separate from the healthy heads. It looks like brown jelly disease is already present and that can spread to the healthy heads. I would toss the affected heads out, but if you want to try to save them, at least have them separated from the healthy parts of the hammer colony.
how can brown jelly disease occurs n kill overnight. It's rly clear slime exactly like what came off the green slimer.

Lol yes jelly amazing slimer colony indeed. The slimer is currently on the far right of my tank simply CUZ it's too massive to put anywhere else n I'm afraid it will brown out due to not enough light there but there is no more slime coming out of it. Hammer was right in the middle of my tank. The side that got affected was on the side of the slimer. I'm going to wait a few more days until I chop off the dead heads just incase it revives cuz I do see tiny poylps still inside some of them while others r totally gone
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