Obviously running these lights is not free, but the monthly cost is about $50/month here in BC at our Tier 2 power cost of $0.1170/kwh if you run the following schedule:
2 hrs/day - 4 actinic
11 hrs/day - 12 T5's
10 hrs/day all MH
I drank the koolaid and changed to 480w of LED's. I gradually lost most of my SPS. My heaters run flat out all the time to maintain tank temperature, so much of the savings in lighting are offset by the heating cost.
In hindsight, the change to LED was not a good move for me. But, I no longer have the time or desire to rebuild my tank to what it once was. I now have a job with global responsibility and travel far too much.
These lights are not for everyone, but they are a great solution at a very attractive price for the right person.