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Old 01-25-2015, 02:47 PM
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Default Filter feeder questions

I have forayed into the world of filter feeders namely a Flame Scallop and I realize that survival rates in the first year are realitively low mostly due to starvation and stress and a short life span. I have done a ton of reading and research before buying a filter feeder but one can never have too much information.

Questions I have

1) for those that have filter feeders is your tank water clean or is it somewhat dirty as in lots of floaters?

2) I have tons of feather dusters and have received mixed information that I have either a healthy system or the water is too dirty. My water has a lot of fine particles in it that float in the water column.

3) do you target feed and if so what do you generally feed your filter feeders? I bought a bottle of Kent Microvert food that everything in my tank seems to go gaga for is it enough?

Any other hints or tricks any information is appreciated good or bad
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