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Old 10-09-2004, 06:26 AM
stephane stephane is offline
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: montreal,quebec
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Originally Posted by Canadian Man
So you guys are trying to tell me that if you add 1000x more water in a pipe that extra water weight won't add to the back pressure on the pump?
Exacly I know it's hard to understand when a french like me try to learn it to you but it is part of physic.

1/4 inch pipe 10 foot heigh head will have the exact same head or bottom pressure than a 10 mile wide pipe by 10 foot height. Your pump impeler is inside the water so it dont see the ouside weight. In fact it will be a lot easy for the pump to use the 10 mille pipe as it will have absolutly no restriction so you will have more flow than that 1/4 pipe

Tank picture update sept 2004

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