FOWLR shut down - Calgary
Shutting down a tank, all fish are healthy and eating assorted pellets and live food. All are established and living together for 2-3 years. Priority goes to buyer that take all and for a good deal. Would like to shut down tank as soon as possible so sorry no hold.
Asfur Angel 6.5" - $150
Majestic Angel 4.5" - $130
Regal Angel (RedSea yellow belly) 5" - $150
Blue Face Angel 5" - $150
Flame Angel 2.5" - $45
Flameback Angel 2.5" - $55
Rock Beauty Angle 3" - $100
Regal Blue Tang 3.5" - $60
Panda Butterflyfish 4" - $50
Fiji fellow bellied Damsel 2.5" - $15 (have two)
Buyer that takes it all can have a custom made tank 120g for $100.