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Old 01-23-2015, 03:20 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Richmond
Posts: 3,035
albert_dao will become famous soon enough
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Some new updates:

We now have SPS! Threw in an A. austera a couple days ago. It's still looking good. In the past, I've had difficulties keeping SPS from getting dull in small tanks. I have my fingers crossed that this tank will break the trend.

I was initially a bit skeptical about the stock lighting, but have since gained a lot of confidence. Here you can see my Utter Chaos sprouting new heads. I started with three polyps and have since counted seven.

Really tempted to throw one of these guys in there...

Caught the Bumblebee Snails fighting over a piece of Mysis:

Meanwhile, over at Mezz Lounge....

Will update some more as we fill this guy up!
This and that.
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