Jaywalking is also illegal.
So is speeding.
The legality of something isn't always the be all/end all of many scenarios.
It's good to know the rules though.
I wonder how many instances of the kind if rampant outbreak described above there actually have been within the aquarist hobby.
I just did a quick google search and didn't see anything come up.
It certainly sounds like something that could happen, but I'm no carcinologist and not privy to how their pathogens or pests and predators work.
In any case, It seems to be something that has been done, I imagine it happens fairly often.
That being said, I think it would be far more rewarding to create a natural environment, at least as far as salinity and temperature goes.
Then go and collect...IF you decide you want to run the discussed risks or get a licence rather than to go and grab something and toss it your tank, hoping for the best.