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Old 10-08-2004, 09:43 PM
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StirCrazy StirCrazy is offline
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Originally Posted by asmodeus
Here's something try running the return line to a 1/2" pvc would that help it says that it will run at 22 ft so shrink the line..

Mike, by reducing the line size you actually add head to the equation by creating more frictional loss. if you want to reduce the head caused by frictional and shear you have to increase the pipe size. so lets say you had a 5 foot rise with 3/4" line and a few elbows and such that added up to another 2.5 ft of head your total head would be 7.5 foot. by decreasing the line size to 1/2" you will raise that to ~9ft of head and by increasing the line to 1" you could lower it to ~6.5 ft of total head.. these numbers are off the top of my head so don't use a head calculator and say I'm wrong with my numbers please the intention is an approximate example of how changing line size could help.

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