So I took the plunge... selling all my freshwater stuffs, bought a new house and a beautiful custom 92" x 21" x 22" 3-sided starphire peninsula tank from concept! here it is near end of construction.

Also had them make me a custom U-Flow Sump to accomodate the drain and return on the same side of the sump. I am plumbing the sump into the furnace room about 6ft away.
I bought a reef octopus hy-10000w, with 1" output... they didnt have it in stock so i got a deal on the hy-12500w. Great i thought, totally spaced on output... now 1.25" return output, thus the quickly rigged plumbing coming out of the pump.
The basement is all finished and the bar is the new stand! Just need to reinforce it...
well that did it.... hope it holds water..