Originally Posted by eli@fijireefrock.com
With new rocks that has just been cycled and placed into the main display (if recipes been followed correctly) 1st lighting should be at a slow start instead of a full blast as this will get different bacteria from the cycle to bloom.
if curing rock in any type of tub with no lighting and high temperature and adequate flow grows the type of bacteria that will not fully survive under full lighting and that produces your rock to cycle again in the main display (one of witch bacteria bloom in the water column)
What I really find wrong is that so many people with new system try to ramp their lighting as high as possible
I just threw the rock in the tank and let it cure with heat, good flow, and about 6-8 hrs of lighting a day, so maybe that's why the water-bourn bacteria bloomed? Because I didn't cycle it in the dark first?
Originally Posted by eli@fijireefrock.com
Bacteria in the water column could be removed easily by taking few steps.
Add filter floss for few days, lower the photo period of your new system, add good quality activated carbon and over skim, if a UV is available then use it at the rate by manufacturer rating. After few days passes do up to 30% water change. By then you should be looking good and keep up with the activated carbon replacement as it get depleted faster than normal.
I think I am going to try this before I buy a UV sterilizer.... set up some sort of filter floss or micron-water polisher in the display tank and see if that makes a difference. Maybe keep the lights off for 2 or 3 days as well and change the carbon more frequently.