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Old 01-18-2015, 10:16 PM
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ashr ashr is offline
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Location: Lake Country, BC
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Default BeanAnimal overflow help

Hey all

So I just filled my new tank up with my old live rock and new sand. So it's pretty cloudy as you will see in my pictures.

Now my issue is the plumbing on the beananimal itself.

My pump seems to drain from my sump to fast so it running out of water. If I tighten my return ball valve I almost get no water flow back into the tank.

The pump is a 1262 Ehiem. I am running 3/4 back into the tank with 2 1" drains with the main one on a gatevalve.

I just can't seem to dial it in so there is enough water for the pump and running the tank. Any thoughts?

As you can see I am not getting that much water in the return part of the sump

Also I am getting a nice waterfall right here that makes a lot of noise.

Red Sea Max 250, 66g Mixed Reef

Ashr's Tank Journal
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