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Old 10-08-2004, 05:53 AM
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BlkWolfe BlkWolfe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 254
BlkWolfe is on a distinguished road

we still got room on and in the truck

if you guys want it and can make it out to NW calgary on the 29th then by all means add it in. Might as well make the most of this trip

Ed, ive had to teach my wife that should have seen the look on her face the first time she saw a couple of us carting about 1400lbs of potatoes into the cellar out on the farm to keep half the extended family supplied for the year. 8 bucks per 50lb bag aint too bad to load up on

Come on everybody...gotta be able to get one more box together

BioCube 29, Nanotuners 150w hqi/pc refit, LED refugium, MCE600, Tunze 6025.
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