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Old 01-17-2015, 03:15 PM
ronau ronau is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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Originally Posted by RMC View Post
I did consider and priced out custom options. By the time I finish the stand, sump and plumbing it came very close to the cost of these systems.

This being my second tank, I'm also not too keen on undertaking the plumbing myself... If something went wrong and I ended up flooding the house, the wife would behead me. She's been very understanding with my addiction to this hobby, I don't want to push her over the edge. Happy wife = happy life, and I get to keep my head too!
I'm with you on this one for sure. The Reefer system will be cheaper and unless you are have some wood working skills to build/skirt a stand, it'll look much better too.

I believe the Reefer 350 with a white stand will be ~$1800, my 70 gallon tank, stand sump and plumbing was around the same cost and I got the tank and sump at 20% off. Once I consider a little more cost for ATO and plumbing, I definitely wish the reefer was available when I was shopping.

I can't wait to see the initial promotion they have on the systems. My basement flooded last year so I need to move all my tanks and a nice Reefer system upstairs may be in the cards so I can have an easier move.
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