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Old 01-14-2015, 11:10 AM
Melonbob Melonbob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Yellowknife, NT
Posts: 40
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Default Looking for vendors!

Hey vendors, ready to place another order online! I'm looking at getting some colony size pieces, also looking for clams and fish. Putting this up because I'm hoping to get all or most of it in one spot

Fish I'm shopping for are

Carpenter Wrasse
Bluethroat trigger
Prawn goby (open to type)

Also need more cleaners, snails/hermits etc

Basically, I'm mostly in need of a couple fish and would like to get my hands on a clam. I'm always shopping for coral, but I can pick from what you've got if you have some of the fish I'm looking for. Thanks!
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