Thanks Ryan, Thomas, and everyone who came by today.
Sorry I wasn't able to get pics of other things up tonight. Hopefully I can do that over the week. Thanks for everyone's patience.
Here is what's available with some prices deductions.
#4 Candy Apple Blasto (1 head + 1 med head + 1 baby) $20
#6 Candy Apple Blasto (4 heads) $30
#7 Blue/Green Blasto (1 baby head) $5
#9 Blue/Green Blasto (2 heads with recession) $5
#10 Blue/Green Blasto (1 head with recession + 1 med head) $5
#11 Blue/Green Blasto (Colony) $40
#14 Blue Speckled Mushroom and Green-striped Mushroom, both for $10
#16 Sunny-D zoas (12+ polyps) $35