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Old 01-11-2015, 11:42 PM
tt101 tt101 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: edmonton
Posts: 108
tt101 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by crackedcorn View Post
Is your sleeper sifting and making the water milky (all stirred up)? Some say it's a nightmare some say it's not too bad...
No, not at all. He used to keep the surface of the sand pure white and prevented anything from growing on the sand or any debris to build up. He was a really interesting guy to watch. Unfortuantely my 2 clowns were *******s and wouldn't let him sift all areas of the tank and by the time I was too late. I had one in my 75 gallon salt and he was in there for a while. Never had issues with him at all in terms of milky water.

Now I am too scared to put anything else in the tank, so the sand is nasty and needs cleaning every once in a while.
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