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Old 01-11-2015, 08:14 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Some quick updates and pictures.

• Corals are looking fabulous.
• Fish are looking great, but the organization of the cardinals seems to have broken down. They no longer bunch together tightly. Minor aggression, but no ripped fins. Very stable pecking order.
• The minor nuisance algae growth from setup has seemed to ground to a complete halt.
• I've been hand feeding the corals a TON of food. I've also been dumping a cube of cyclopeeze in every two days or so. The animals go wild for it.
• I'm more or less convinced that bare bottom is the key to easy maintenance while supporting dense stocking and overfeeding.
• 90% water changes rock. I wish it was practical to do this with my bigger system.

So far, the fish list looks like this:

• 4 - Ringtail Cardinals
• 1 - Royal Gramma
• 1 - Swalesi Basslet
• 1 - Jaguar Goby
• 1 - Molly Miller

I'm thinking I wouldn't mind putting in a single Bangai Cardinal and a pair of Ocellaris Clowns.

Onto the pictures:

Ultra Acan after feeding

Utter Chaos and company

Added some Rock Flower Anemones

Finally got a picture of the Royal Gramma

I also noticed a couple tiny Aiptasia, so rather than uproote the rocks and manually extract them, I decided to add a Molly Miller to deal with them. Bonus points for eating nuisance algae and being super cute.

And finally, some updated full tank shots

This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 01-11-2015 at 08:18 PM.
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