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Old 01-07-2015, 05:11 AM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
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Calcite will attract and bind phospahtes just as gfo does. It chemically binds it. If any level of po4 is present it will quickly bind to calcite and can do so until saturation. This goes for any calcium carbonate structure.

Most dry rock/live rock will more then likey come from three sources, either a fellow reefer, inland mining or lagoonal waters. All of which have ample levels of po4.

But it doesn't matter where it came from. If you have dry rock, you have bound po4. It's means of freeing up bound po4 has been removed. The only differnce between live rock and dry rock in terms of what happends with bound po4 is the bacterial proccess that take place that break the bond. Healty live rock is self cleaning if given the appropriate environment to do so. An enviromnet with po4 levels greater then that of which the bacteria can utilize, the calcite structure slowly fills up to the point of saruration. This is why live rock can come with just as much bound po4 as dry. And this is why dry WILL have bound po4.

It's there wether a person wants to believe it or not. Wether it is of concern to an individual or not, well that is up to the user. But for those who want to deal with what WILL be bound po4 prior to indroduction into a system then there are many great ways to achieve this.

For live rock and dry rock. Cooking is best.

Dry rock. Bleach, acid is the quickest and simplest. But keep in mind that the acid will remove a layer or rock which is bound with po4. A good thing. But by doing so you also now expose new calcite free of po4. As soon as this calcite comes back into contact with po4.... Well... Why it's the second best option.

I myself use the latter.

Many aslo have great success and little to no issue purging in tank. Don't want denny to feel left out. Lol.

But if your not going to follow any of that up with proper husbandry practices for keeping your calcium carbonate structures healthy. Then don't bother. Your destined for algae problems despite the rock then.
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