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Old 01-06-2015, 09:35 PM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
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Originally Posted by Doug View Post
No no Doug, you don't got that smily just quite right.... one of these is more the ticket...

.... although in my case, since I'm a tele skier, they kind of don't apply that well either. Note to self, contact the smily people to design a telemarking banane.

I went up to Silver Star again this morning hoping for another hit of cold smoke, but alas, temperature inversion arrived earlier than forecast & it was actually raining in the village!

Meanwhile back down in the valley & Vernon, it's still chaos after the major snow storm. Main roads are ok, but they haven't done very many residential streets. I actually got stuck trying to get back to my parking spot in the alley behind my house.
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