One last update.
Texted with Jasper's dad and found out that they were eventually unable to keep up with maintaining the tank and most of the frags & fish were re-homed with Marie. They again want to thank everyone who donated to making their son's, Jasper, dream of having his very own reef tank a reality. They have really enjoyed having the tank and it brought untold amounts of joy to Jasper during his last weeks, which is really more than we could have ever hoped for. I am sorry Jasper only got to enjoy his reef tank for a few weeks, but anything that can bring a smile at that time in his life is really well worth the effort and expense.
Reading this thread and the related threads on this project, from conception to completion, has brought me great happiness and sadness at the same time. I only met Jasper on that first trip (didn't make it back in time on the second trip), but he made a lasting impression on myself and my own little girl, Felicia, who made that memorable father-daughter trip up to Powell River with me. She still sometimes mentions Jasper and we talk about that trip and why we went up.
Again, I need to express my deepest thanks to everyone who donated, participated or gave moral support for this very worthwhile project. The tank may now be dismantled, but the spirit of community and human kindness expressed by everyone on Canreef and BCAquaria, from across Canada for an ill little boy who wanted to have a reef tank continues to inspire me and renew my faith in the goodness in people. Thanks from myself, Felicia and Jasper's family for making this project a reality.