We gotta sneak an update in before everyone make their new year resolutions

I know we have been MIA from the forums for some time now but with Long going to university for nursing and my family business we had out hands full, but while we were away from the forums we managed to improve our growth and colouration on many of our pieces!!!

We hope you guys enjoy this update and hope everyone have a fantastic NYE/NYD!!!
P.s we will have a few more mini updates so stay posted!
To celebrate 2015, we are offering 10% off all livestock orders until Jan 8 2015!!
For ones that received MJC$$$ for Christmas, please email us and we will do something to stack them coupon codes for ya.
Please us code : NEWYEARNEWCORAL
@ checkout.
Thank you!!
[url=http://s89.photobucket.com/user/kimchixiv/media/10898298_901945553182916_8629061576459917461_n1_zp sd43cc3f8.jpg.html][IMG]http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k222/kimchixiv/10898298_90