Tank is doing well , we added some more stuff over Xmas mainly inverts but some corals as well

we still have more inverts to add But we're running out of room the rest of the tank will most likely be filled with zoanthids here and there.
Here is where we roughly are now for tanks inhabitants
Current Livestock list for tank
4 x cleaner shrimp
1 x blood shrimp
1 x Pom Pom crab
1 x anemone shrimp
20 x blue leg hermits
1 x emerald crab
6 x feather dusters
1 x Halloween hermit
1 x large sebae anemone
3 x maxima clams
1 x squamosa clam
1 x green and white rock flower anemone
1 x tube anemone
1 x fromia starfish
Dragon soul welshyllia
Orange setosa
Numerous zoanthids
Neon octospawn
Neon wall hammers x 2
Misc photosynthetic gorgonians
Florida ricordias (est 100)
Orange leptastrea
Misc acros
Aussie Duncan's
None green bubble coral
Warpaint Aussie scoly
Australian ultra lobos
Indo orange lobos
Red mushrooms
Misc chalices
Misc favias
Green and purple blastomussa
4 heads fathead dendro
1 head rhizo
1 multicolor Yuma mushroom
White tipped toadstool
Yellow Fiji leather
Golden scroll coral
Misc acans
Orange cloves
Pulsing Xenia
Fish list
Pair of Trojan Picasso clownfish
Mated trio of adult pajama cardinals
Citron goby
Tailspot blenny
We made a Video last night of the tank and will post it next as well as some new pics in the next little bit