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Old 12-28-2014, 01:46 AM
Adread Adread is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 32
Adread is on a distinguished road
Default Random reef stuff for free (EDM)

Hello Reefers

We are moving to BC in in the next few days and don't seem to have room for my projects. It's all free. Just need it gone before the 30th. We are also about 15 minutes east of the city. I know for sure I have a drilled biocube 14 with a slightly hacked up biocube for a sump, a small return pump for that setup, a 15 gallon tank I was going to build a sump or fuge out of, and a protein skimmer. I am pretty sure I have salt and chemicals around as well if they are still good. Test kit in there. I also have some old previously live rock. May be some more stuff around as I continue to pack.

Text me at 780-919-9404

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