crimper, I'm sure you're right !! And thanks for the wishes
Our new charges have been in QT for 2 weeks now
All are eating very well, albeit their own foods
If you missed it, I've been using MB7 and am quite happy with it
No spikes to worry about, although I started off with an established set of foam blocks for my aquaclear50
I've only been performing 50% WCs once a week, and my NO2/NO3 readings have been near nil. Much better results than the last time I did this when I used Seachem's Stability. Although maybe I've been better with my feeding practices this time around. Who knows
I'm 2 days into a Prazi treatment as I suspect worms plus there's the odd shaking and flashing, then I'll give them a couple days off from meds
I'm nicely surprised to see nobody has lost their appetite during the current treatment
I'm hoping I don't end up with Coralgurl's dilemma where her tangs kept eating the poop thus eating the intestinal worms ... my stupid tang eats every poop he sees

, no matter how much I feed them
Next they'll get some Furan-2 as there are some other things to address;
I have no idea what little white 'horns' there were on 2 of the female Anthias' heads that disappeared after a couple days
It left a dent on one poor girl's noggin behind her eyes on top of her head
Plus a wrasse has a white mark directly on her eye, and some of the anthias are flashing on hardware
So Furan-2 it is
I'll re-assess things after that but it looks like I won't be running a hypo this time around
The final introduction to the DT will be;
Yellow Tang right off as he can fend for himself
Next will be the female wrasses into the holding tank I've built and they'll most likely be in there for the majority of a week while the other wrasses calm down
Finally, after I get the Anthias eating pellets, they will have their turn in the holding tank for a day or 5, just to make sure none of the wrasses want to eat them
Wish me luck
Here's the holding tank I've built, but it's not finished
I still need to clean up the sharp edges and fit it to the DT so it 'hangs' where I want it to
It's 20x10x5 and will hang off the left side and center support
This gives lots of clearance to the corals, although I don't know what will happen a year from now
I realise it's only 4 gallons of space. It's just a holding tank Jim, and that's all I can give her
I 'euro-braced' it so I could screw on an access cover
Cover is opaque to help keep the sun burns away
I haven't finished the cover yet, or it's fasteners ...
It still needs a bunch of holes drilled
I scabbed a crappy hole (rushed the jigsaw and cracked it) out the bottom that needs some serious cleanup, and there's a cover plate that needs some fasteners
This is for when I'm ready to release fish
May not work as a fish trap in future, but will be a handy time-out tank for anyone naughty