Originally Posted by Slyguy00
Dont waste your time man, this guy claims he wants everything then tries to low ball you. Told me he wanted my maxspect razor, so I drove all the way out to vancouver for him to back out. He has been to every persons house in the lower mainland, all of which have incredible selection and prices. If he really wanted anything his tank would be full by now. Instead he insists on bumping his post 4000 times in hopes someone will give him something for nothing. Sorry for the rant, but iv just about had it with this post and this guys antics.
Wow.. somebody is in a grinch mode today.
First off... please ask everyone I been to. Reef Pilot, Albert, salty23, KPG007, acepumping, ryan, Michael, boomboom, anthony, snail puffer, timbits. I paid every price they asked for..know your facts buddy. I m confident to name their tags here because I know I didn't wrong anyone.
And yes I bought everything.. from everyone here, except from you because you do live quite far from me. I didn't waste your time by making an appointment and cancelling. I pmd you about your rics and once I knew you lived far I said i will pass. No harm done there.
As for your maxspect. I apologized for that, as it didn't cover the 4 ft tank as I wanted. I know you live in Abby, and I did recall i gave you money for your gas. Sorry I can't buy back your time.