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Old 12-23-2014, 01:41 PM
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Patwa Patwa is offline
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Location: Mississauga, ON
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Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
Does any1 have experience using a similar product as these flow accelerator swirl eductor on fish-street? Planning to use 2 of these as my return via a T to increase flow in my new tank build. Are they efficient and easy to maintain?

Here's the link
I've got 4 on my tank and love them. They definitely provide a LOT of flow.....I use a Pan-World 100PX-X through an OM-4way to power them.

Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
It's for pushing water not sucking tho? Unless ur return pump turned off and it siphoned. But I am going to put a check valve on my return line to prevent this
They push and suck. They're engineered and designed specifically for mixing fluids. That's what eductors ("flow accelerator" is just a marketing term for reefers) do.

EDIT: oh, i wouldn't recommend their use on a return line, though. You need significant GPH (but we're not talking pressure-rated sort of force though) to make these operate efficiently. Unless you have a powerful return pump, don't bother with them. However, I do wholeheartedly recommend their use on the dedicated closed-loop fine for me in this setup.
90g Cube + 30g Sump/Fuge
Kessil A350W LED ● 2x PAR38 ● Deltec AP701 DIY clone (modded) w/ Eheim 1262 needlewheel ● Panworld 100PX-X Closed Loop + OM 4-Way w/ eductors

Percula and Ocellaris pair ● Marine Betta ● Sunburst Anthias ● Blue Assessor ● Threadfin Cardinals ◊ Soft coral dominant

Last edited by Patwa; 12-23-2014 at 01:48 PM.
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