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Old 12-19-2014, 01:08 AM
mikellini mikellini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Vernon BC
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mikellini is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
I thought the main purpose of the carbon block was to protect the RO membrane from chlorine. I have a swimming pool test kit for chlorine that I used before changing the carbon last time & it still showed negative. I didn't wait until exactly 20,000 gallons on the last one, but close. I still use RO water from the system at 1 TDS for drinking etc. with no health issues that I'm aware of. I realize the filter is not that costly, but still like to get the most out of the thing before relinquishing it to the landfill. Besides, the water coming through my tap is supposedly fit for human consumption. A bunch of videos from a vendor are unlikely to make me change my errant ways! Folks are free to change them as often as they see fit, I'm merely documenting my experience. YMMV. And that's where my trusty spreadsheet comes in handy. I don't have a smart phone or iphone, so it's what I do.
What water were you testing with the script? That is a good way to test if your carbon blocks, as long as you're testing the waste water and not water that has gone through the membrane. You should still check out those videos, great info
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