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Old 12-18-2014, 07:43 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by jason604 View Post
Oh man I didn't expect this thread to become so popular lol. Thx guys for chiming in on ur 2cents! And then there's crazy ppl like brad that uses all 3 things vsv to dose. Jesus didn't no u can do that. I might just try the vodka and vinegar mix. Anyways my question is to ppl who do this. Do u still use GFO the same time? And most importantly, my tank is always reading 0 pO4 and nO3 cuz I have a lot of algae so it's consuming it as fast as it is created so how do I know that while dosing VV that it is working and when will it become the maintenance dosing zone?
you may have to run gfo ( or other means of removal ) or you may not , in a case where both read zero that doesnt mean it doesnt exist thats just the limitations to your test and doesnt take in account the fact you add both.

eventually bacteria will out compete macro algae, you do have to be careful and watch your corals as some corals dont appreciate the aggressive export of nutrients ( bacteria are pretty efficient )

its a very fine line between what corals need, plants and animals need and what bacteria needs....they all have similarities yet all require different things

as your dosing you keep an eye on your livestock , it may sound counter productive but there will come a time where you will either have to cut dosing down to match your current load or add to the existing bioload and boost your bacteria numbers and export, adding to your bio-load also has benefits to weigh against the downsides
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