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Old 12-18-2014, 07:34 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by mikellini View Post
Typically, you become limited by nitrate unless you are using GFO or lanthanum chloride. This is because of two things: bacteria use nitrogen in a high ratio as compared to phosphorus, and bacteria also convert some additional nitrate into nitrogen gas. Sometimes, though, some people have found they don't need to use a phosphate remover, or at least use a very small amount
yes becoming nitrogen deficient is more common naturally but both issues are common as alot of people do run gfo and po4 removers either before starting or during or both.

whether you need to run one or not would depend on the amount imported , and the ways they are can certainly out compete the bacteria in a closed system as they can only do so much , but yes i agree with the statements

both nitrogen and phosphorous can become limiting but both can also be added to the mix
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