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Old 12-18-2014, 07:08 PM
mikellini mikellini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Vernon BC
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
if your going with the vinegar chart ( or vodka conversion)_....16 weeks is a bit over careful ...most do it in four weeks and similar to this

0.1 ml per gallon for 7 days
0.2 ml per gallon for 7 days
0.3 ml per gallon for 7 days
0.4 ml per gallon for 7 days

and going on up from there if needed , if nutrients are high to begin with then you can go as high as 1 ml per gallon , once your no3 and po4 drop to zero then you cut the dose back to a maintenance dose.

most people have it by week 4 unless they were pretty high to begin with.

no3 and po4 can become limiting in a closed system and bacteria need both in order to build mass so you may not hit zero if one or the other isnt available in numbers needed.


Typically, you become limited by nitrate unless you are using GFO or lanthanum chloride. This is because of two things: bacteria use nitrogen in a high ratio as compared to phosphorus, and bacteria also convert some additional nitrate into nitrogen gas. Sometimes, though, some people have found they don't need to use a phosphate remover, or at least use a very small amount
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