Its been around 15 years since I was last in the Saltwater hobby, things have certainly changed since then

Since immigrating to Canada I've looked forward to getting back into the hobby and finally in June we got a brand new 175 second hand-hadn't ever been used.
I actually think I used up all my luck finding the tank as its been pretty bumpy since then.
It sat in our Garage till Aug/Sept as we were trying to find help to move it into the house and a kind member helped us out.
Water was added-tested for leaks and that went well

Its not reef ready so I am doing a CPR hang on the back overflow.
Heaters were ordered as well as an American marine wireless thermometer.
After 4 days the thermometer went off the rails-started reading higher and higher temps even though the glass thermometer read no such change-so back it went.
Finally we have all the rock and sand and that was set up last weekend, aquascaping was frustrating to say the least.
And now 3 months after getting the heater it randomly died-light is on but no heat.
Feeling a little cursed with electronics at the moment
Last few pics are cloudy as sand was just added.
Not sure if the pics came through.