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Old 12-12-2014, 08:15 AM
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MCC MCC is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 69
MCC is on a distinguished road

Update list of what I still want:


Purple Torch
Gold Torch
Orange Plate
Acans - different colors prefer at least 4-5 heads. --> Specifically looking for pink/blues/yellows. NO purple or reds/oranges

Soft Corals --> has to be mounted on some small rubble:

Ricordias - MAINLY Blue/Purples, but orange/green if the price is right. I got many of these, but don't mind buying more since rics are my favorite coral.
Red mushroom

SPS --> These ones I m looking for small colonies not frags or huge $$ pieces (multi branches to small fist size):

Yellow Greenish Milli
Blue/Purple Acro
Yellow/Pink Acro

Or any SPS small colonies you wish to sell for cheap that you want to get rid of in your tank. I will see if I like. I don't know much about the 'names' or prices of SPS.
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