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Old 12-11-2014, 10:31 AM
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Default FS > Xmas Coral Sale(Torch, Frogspawn, Chalices, Flower pots, Brains, etc)

Hey guys,

Warning: This is going to be a long post with lots of photos.

I have a bunch of coral(s) up for grabs.
Need some space in my tanks for the upcoming boxing day to hoard and add to my collection.

Torch #1 - $20/frag (2 heads) *x2 available
(yellow tip with green stalk)

Torch #2 - $50/frag (1 head) *x4 available
(purple/black stalk with bright yellow tips)

Blue Frogspawn #1 - $40/frag (2 heads) *x2 available

(Green stalks with Blue tips)

Yellow Octospawn #1 - $40/frag (1 head) *x2 available
(Pink/Clear stalks with Bright yellow tips)

Shot of the colonies from my display tank:

Brains for sale
$40.00 - $150.00 *x6-8 available
(Varies colors, package deal if you take my whole collection)

Flower Pots: $50- $90 *3 available
(Green, Pink and also a blue one)

Chalices & misc corals(acan, war coral, zoas): $20 - $150
(Mummy acan, confused war coral, rhastas, rainbow orange crush chalice, purple monster chalice, gold speckle chalice, etc)

Full Shot of all some of the corals available in the frag tank:

PM is key.

Please drop a line and let me know your interested and that you've sent me a Private Message.
I'm on my mobile most of the time and tapatalk isn't the greatest on android

Enjoy and Merry Xmas!
oh and every additional frag purchased I'll knock $5 off ontop of whatever deal we work out for the holiday spirit
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